It’s Been A Buggy Week

Bugs, bugs and (you guessed it) more bugs!
We started with a two day wonder cough from Miss Delilah, two days of school snuggled on the sofa and watching Christmas movies. Then came my turn. A lingering bug I kept suppressing because everyone else needs something. True mum fashion.

Then there was Euan, a whole 5 days of being extra ratty, less sleep than usual, a cough and being stuffed up the poor little love. It doesn’t ever seem to be just a cols for Euan. He gets a cough every time and it goes straight to his chest. He had croup earlier in the year and I think its had a lasting effect. Luckily there was no sign of fever this time round, but we had a few wiped out days because no one (other than Delilah) was functioning to any level other than pure survival mode.

Then there was Delilah. Again. She came home Friday so sore and itchy. Worms! We followed NHS guidance, treated and boil washed everything we could, antibacterial’d everything. Dropped her off at school with the warning to her teacher and asking her to make sure she washed her hands after toilet stops and before eating. Now I thought this was common practice anyway, but boy was I wrong. Turns out, they didn’t let her wash her hands before she ate because they didn’t pass a bathroom on the way to lunch. Speechless? I know, I was for all of 10 seconds before having a massive shouty rant about it all to myself. I came to the conclusion home lunches would be a thing.

Delilah with her “wash me” hand drawings.

I initially asked the reception staff what the policy on home for lunch was. To which they didn’t have a clue, so I’m guessing its just not the done thing these days (although it was when I was at school). But having to go into school and ask the receptionist to ask the teachers and dinnertime staff to get the kids to wash their hands before they eat is a current low point of this place.

In better news, I’m about 3 gifts away from finishing the Christmas shopping . Which kind of excites me, as I’m feeling very lost and overwhelmed with it this year. Everyone I buy for (with kids as an exception) never want for anything. So what do you get people who literally buy themselves what they need and want all year round?! The kids have been a joy to shop for, and wrap. Call me odd, but I quite like the wrapping stage, making it pretty and of course the actual giving.

Christmas cards have been ordered, and a photo book of my babies for my Grandmother. Simply because, what else can you possibly do for your Grandma when she’s another one who just gets what she needs and wants all year long.

Next festive thing is the Grassington Christmas Market this weekend. We missed out last weekend because of all the bugs and grumpy sleeplessness between us. I actually can’t wait, I find it the most festive thing on my calendar. It really puts me in Christmas mode. I’m already thinking I’m going to need a bigger run up to next year. In all honesty, a cabin in the woods with snow and a freshly cut tree sounds like my kind of perfect too. It’s a winter goal of mine.

I’ll be off now to dream of that secluded, far away from school cabin and my snow and my trees.


Xoxo, L